after serving 5 years in the state house, dr. shah is running for u.s. congress
• Resoundingly won 3 straight elections
• Forged bipartisan relationships to pass more bills than any Arizona Democrat in a decade
• Received dozens of awards for quality of service
• Earned 20+ endorsements from Arizona elected officials
dr. shah personaLly knocked on over 22,000 doors to listen to voters
as a result of his door-to-door efforts, dr. Shah:
Proven Track Record of bipartisanship & service
Trusted By Arizona’s Leaders in both parties
defending women’s rights
• 100% pro-choice voting record
• Led the effort to protect access to abortion
• Endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists

Saving lives for over 20 years
border security
worked with both parties to increase funding for the border by over $200m
HB2862 (2022)
Dr. Shah has witnessed the fentanyl crisis firsthand in the emergency room. In the ER, Dr. Shah saved patients poisoned by fentanyl smuggled across the border and cared for victims of human trafficking. In the State House, he worked across party lines to increase funding for border security and was the only Democrat who voted for tighter fentanyl laws to ensure that more traffickers face felony charges (HB2253, 6/22).
inflation & economy
worked to reduce prices for housing and healthcare
Dr. Shah knows that Arizonans are struggling to afford basic necessities like housing, groceries, and prescription drugs. In the State House, he worked with Republicans to lower housing prices and ensure every Arizonan has a safe and affordable place to live.
Amish will also stand up to corporations who are price gouging critical medications and necessities, taking advantage of hardworking families. That’s why Dr. Shah refuses to take corporate PAC money. He is fighting corporate greed, not benefiting from it.
Finally, in the State House, Dr. Shah opposed tax increases for middle-class families. He will do the same in Congress.
Dr. Shah is a proven champion for affordable healthcare for all
As an emergency physician, Dr. Shah witnesses firsthand the struggles of patients who cannot afford the care they need. Our current healthcare system is broken, prescription drugs are unaffordable, and reproductive freedoms are under attack.
All Arizonans deserve to have access to quality, affordable healthcare. In Congress, he will work to expand coverage, protect Medicare, and lower prescription drug prices.
Amish believes that only a woman and her provider should make decisions about reproductive healthcare. That’s why he worked across the aisle in the Arizona State Legislature to protect access to the abortion drug mifepristone. Dr. Shah has a 100% pro-choice voting record, and he will continue protecting a woman’s right to choose in Congress by codifying Roe v. Wade.
protecting our democracy
against attackS
American Democracy is under attack. Extremists have cast doubt on the results of our elections, threatened to decertify the will of Arizona’s voters, and incited a deadly insurrection to stop the counting of votes.
In the State House, Amish demonstrated unwavering commitment to safeguarding the integrity of our electoral process. In Congress, he will continue to uphold our Constitution and protect democratic institutions. Amish will combat racist and partisan gerrymandering, and is dedicated to eliminating dark money from politics.
Every kid deserves
a real chance
All of Arizona’s children deserve a strong public education. Amish knows that a good education can change lives, but our educators are underpaid, and our schools are underfunded.
In Congress, Amish will defend the Department of Education, champion increased funding for public schools, and push for better teacher pay. He is committed to lowering the cost of higher education, ensuring that every student can access quality training without the burden of crushing debt, regardless of their chosen path.
be a voter